Heavenly Rocks; Earthly Conclusions

Yahoo had a front page article about the latest “how the dinosaurs died” theory. Here’s the theory: two asteroids collided about 160 million years ago, sending one of them here to earth. The one that hit earth wiped out the dinosaurs and allowed us puny humans to take over the earth. Some computer has apparently supported this theory through sophisticated calculations.

I’m amused and disappointed by such speculation. Here’s what I really find interesting—consider this quote by the scientist who authored this theory:

“Was humanity inevitable? Or is humanity just something that happened to arise because of this sequence of events that took place at just the right time. It’s hard to say.”

This quote epitomizes the dilemma of science divorced from the spiritual. Remove God from the equation and we must logically conclude that life (especially human life) is just a cosmic accident.

Contrast this with the creation story in Genesis:

So God created human beings in his own image.
In the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

-Genesis 1:27

The Bible teaches that only humans are created in God’s image. Adam and Eve were the apex of creation. They were not an accident. You are not an accident.

See also:

More Evolution Blunders: The Incredible Swimming Fossil

Believing in the Tooth Fairy

The 100 Million Dollar Mistake

Many of my Filipino readers don’t follow American football, but perhaps you’ve seen the story of Michael Vick on CNN. Let me tell you a little more about his story.

A Star Athlete

Michael Vick is a classic “rags to riches” story that is typical for some professional athletes. He grew up in a public housing project but became an exceptional athlete in high school. He was rewarded a full scholarship to Virginia Tech where he played quarterback. The Atlanta Falcons chose him as their number one draft pick in the National Football League (NFL) draft in 2001.

A Record-Breaking Contract

Quarterbacks are generally hired for their ability to pass the football to open receivers. Vick, however, was known for his ability to run with the ball. This made him a “double threat” as a quarterback. His unique style of play brought energy and excitement to his team. The Falcons signed Vick to a 10-year, 130 million dollar contract in December 2004. He also had numerous commercial endorsement contracts.

Criminal Charges

The media became aware of a criminal investigation involving Vick back in April (2007). The investigation centered on the “Bad Newz Kennel,” located on his property in Virginia. He was charged with cruelty to animals (for dog fighting and executing dogs which did not excel in fighting) and involvement with illegal gambling. Needless to say, Vick was publicly disgraced.

Costly Consequences

Vick plead guilty to the charges on August 27th. The NFL immediately suspended him indefinitely. Due to the nature of his suspension, his contract with the Falcons is terminated. The Falcons, in fact, are pursuing their legal right to reclaim millions of dollars in pay. Vick will probably spend about a year in prison. His return to the NFL is questionable at best.

Lessons for Life

I imagine that none of us have millions of dollars to lose. But as far as I’m concerned, we can lose things which are a lot more valuable than money. You can lose your self-respect through sexual immorality. You can lose your future hopes and dreams through and unplanned pregnancy. You can lose your health through addictions and vices. You can lose your clear conscience from dishonest choices. You can lose your family through adultery. You can lose relationships through hurtful words and actions. These and many other aspects of life are priceless, worth much more than 100 million dollars.

Learn to choose wisely! The Bible has much to say about wisdom—the ability to make good choices:

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom,
the one who gains understanding.
For wisdom is more profitable than silver,
and her wages are better than gold.

-Proverbs 3:13-14

Wisdom is worth more than money because it enhances life itself.

Learn how to be wise! Follow God’s word. Make wise, godly decisions and you can avoid your own “million dollar” mistakes.