Are You Hungry for God’s Word?

Jason is one of my best friends. I don’t get to see him much because he lives in the States. Anyway, he wrote an article that really made me think about my own hunger (or lack thereof) for God’s word. The article begins like this:

Hein worked as an interpreter for international missionaries in Vietnam during the war. As a result of his associations, he was accused of conspiring with the CIA and thrown in prison. . . .

Read all of Jason’s Post Here

“I asked God for a sign . . . “

A confused student asked me some questions through text messaging a few days ago. I gave her some advice, but she was reluctant to believe me. “But I asked God for a sign,” she said. She was mistaking an ex-boyfriend’s double-minded behavior as a sign from God (a sign that they would get back together).

This kind of thing happens all of the time. I’d like to encourage all of you to read my Making Wise Decisions series in which I explain why sign-seeking is not a good way to discern God’s will.