Coming in 2008!

Here’s a few things that we’re planning for the next couple of months:

True Love Waits:
God willing, we’ll be having a mega-seminar at FEU this month. This is usually one of the highlights of the year for me.

I’m also talking to three or four other universities about conducting TLW seminars.

Dr. Henry and Dr. Richard Blackaby (co-authors of the Experiencing God devotional) will be coming to Manila in February. I’m hoping that Richard will be able to do a leadership seminar on one of our campuses. This event will be open to all students, but seating will be limited. I’ll be making more announcements as things come together.

The Book:
CSM is working very hard on getting everything ready. I’ve been extremely impressed with their effort and professionalism. Publishing should begin pretty soon.

2007: Blogging Year in Review

Many news channels (CNN, etc) do “year in review” type programs around this time. I like to do something like this for my own life–a time of self-evaluation. I’d encourage you to do the same thing. If you need some help, just read seven questions for 2007. I wrote it as 2007 was approaching, so you’ll need to mentally change all of my “2006” references.

Allow me to share a few reflections about 2007, mostly pertaining to my blog.


I first began writing articles back in July of 2006. It has really grown since then. I had about 3,000 hits in ’06, which has grown to over 66,000 hits in ’07. Gotta love the web traffic!

Most Comments

My articles on Apollo Quiboloy, the self-proclaimed “appointed son” of God, received the most numerous and “lively” comments. I was accused by his followers of everything from having halitosis (bad breath) to being the son of the devil. Never have I encountered people who are so ignorant of the Scripture and so unwilling to honestly discuss the Scripture (this coming from someone who has debated/talked with members of numerous religions). I had to delete some of the comments (some of his followers wanted to copy and paste his propaganda on my website), and I eventually had to close the comments because they were so monotonous.

My Favorite Posts

Here are some of the ’07 “highlights” organized into topics/categories. These are just posts that I really enjoyed writing–not necessarily the most popular:

For Women: Three Stupid Words that Women Say

For Men: The Male Sex Drive, Blessing or Curse?

Devotional Thoughts: Jesus and the Turo-Turo Meal.

Funny Pictures: Men vs. Women.

Current Event/Controversies: The Truth about the “Gospel of Judas” and The “Lost Tomb of Jesus”

The Book

You (my readers) were a great inspiration and encouragement as I considered publishing a book. Some of the material was already written and posted, but it did take some extra work to take the next step (to publishing). I needed to rearrange, expand, and ad to the material that I’ve posted on the blog. I’m very pleased with the final manuscript, and I’m very excited about the book’s release. I pray that it will be a blessing to many Filipinos.

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who has read, made comments and passed my blog along to others. You have been a great encouragement. You have helped me to become a better writer.