We are quickly approaching the 2007-2008 school year! As you make plans for this upcoming school year, I hope you will invite me to conduct True Love Waits at your campus.

The sooner you contact me the better. Some campuses have already scheduled me for dates in July. Please contact me as soon as possible so we can set up a TLW schedule for this upcoming semester. I was unable to accomodate a few schools last year because they simply waited too late to set up the seminar.

Remember that I can handle a group of any size if the venue is adequate.

Manila’s Silent Epidemic . . .

. . . and why silence is not the solution.

According to the State of the Philippine Population report, there is a very disturbing trend here in Manila. Almost four out of ten young people are deciding to engage in premarital sex (the highest rate of premarital sex in the Philippines is right here). This means almost forty percent of our young people will put themselves at risk of experiencing the spiritual, emotional, and physical consequences of having sex outside of marriage.

Pastors, youth workers, educators, parents—we must wake up! Silence and avoidance are no longer options with this issue! This young generation is living in a world full of sexual messages, images, and misinformation. It is our responsibility to teach them God’s plan for sexuality.