There is an important question we ask when we teach purity seminars:
Who Deserves your Love? Several people (or groups of people) may come to mind.
Students rarely think about their future spouse as an answer to this question. All of us singles dream of getting married and having a loving family. Here is an extremely important question: what are you doing now to prepare yourself for your future spouse? Maybe teenagers seem to believe that is too far off into the future to think about now. Understand this: the choices you make now can have a major impact on your future marriage.
You will have to be honest about your past when you meet the man or woman you plan to marry. A healthy marriage does not have secrets. What you tell your future spouse largely depends on your choices right now.
This should give us a brand new perspective on how we behave. I remember, for example, a seminar I did a few months back. The students asked me about a certain type of sexual behavior. I knew what they were thinking: since this is not sexual intercourse, you can do it and still be a “virgin.” My response seemed to stun them—it went something like this: “Would you want to tell your future spouse that you have done this?”
Let’s have respect for ourselves and others. You should treat your fellow singles as someone else’s future husband/wife. You should treat yourself the same way. Don’t do things that you will be ashamed to tell your future spouse about.
This is yet one more reason to postpone sexual intimacy until marriage.
This is one of the many articles that you’ll find in my book: Basta Lovelife: Making Wise Relationship Decisions.