Friday (February 16th) Gimmiks

Are you looking for a gimmik this Friday?

Full Cup Cafe will be having their “decaf” (acoustic) night. Here’s the announcement from their multiply profile:

It’s acoustic night once again at the Cup! Come and relax with us as we enjoy unadulterated music and a relaxed environment this Friday. Maybe we’ll have another open mic session so it’s bound to be a fun-filled night.

All the way from Batangas (our speakers come from all over :p), Kim Cruse will visit the Cup and talk about “Jesus, social reformer and activist.” Does this mean our Lord chanted his own version of “maki-baka, wag matakot”? Find out this Friday at the Cup!

I will be speaking at the Friday night (5:30 pm) service of University Baptist Church (right across from FEU). My topic will be the Five Love Languages.

Tell Us Your Story

For one of my last (or maybe the last) “Valentine’s Day related” post, I would like to hear your stories/testimonies.

*Are you saving your virginity for your future spouse? Tell us about it!

*Are you happily married after waiting on God’s timing? Tell us about it!

*Was your heart broken by choosing not to wait? Are you a single parent because of a bad decision? Tell us about it so others can learn from your mistake.

*Did you experience a “second chance” to do things right after making a mistake? Yes, tell us about it!

You can email me or post here. I will not publish your name without your permission.

We’ll see how this goes. I’ll read the posts and publish them here immediately (as long as they are appropriate). I will edit, compile, and post emails in a few days. For blogger users, remember that you need to be signed out if you want to post anonymously.If you create a post while signed in, I will assume that you want it published as such.