Have You Forgotten God?

Listen, O heavens! Pay attention, earth!
This is what the Lord says:
“The children I raised and cared for
have rebelled against me.
Even an ox knows its owner,
and a donkey recognizes its master’s care—
but Israel doesn’t know its master.
My people don’t recognize my care for them.”

-Isaiah 1:2-3

I have mentioned before that I used to take care of some unusual pets. Newts were one of my favorite pets in high school and college. I’m not really sure why—maybe I was fascinated by something that lives both in and out of water.

I noticed something interesting about these little animals. They are probably not very smart, but even they learned to associate people with food. If one noticed me near the aquarium, it would try to swim to me (kind of the same way fish do). It seems that almost all pets learn who takes care of them. Unfortunately, sometimes our pets are smarter than we are.

God used this type of analogy to confront His people in the Book of Isaiah. He was accusing them of having less loyalty (and sense) than an ox or a mule. God had done so much for His people, yet they were unfaithful to Him. They had betrayed and forgotten Him. They were pursuing their own pleasures and agendas.

Have you also forgotten God? You are a very blessed person if you are able to read this devotional right now. Reading online means that you have your own computer, you have the money to rent one, or you are blessed with a job with computers in the office. It also means that you can read a Christian devotional without fear of persecution. Many people around the world do not have the financial and spiritual blessings that you are enjoying right now. God has been good to you–are you thankful and faithful to Him?

God has blessed you. Be faithful to Him and make your life a blessing to Him.

Radio and LRT Adventure

I had an incredible afternoon! Allow me to share a humorous commuting experience before I thank the folks at DZAS.

The Stink Train

The commute to the radio station turned out to be quite amusing. I rode the LRT part of the way there. For those who are unfamiliar with Metro Manila, the LRT is the train–like a subway but built high above the roads. Theoretically, it is a convenient way to get from “point a” to “point b.” I said “theoretically” because my riding experiences have varied greatly. Sometimes the train is not too crowded and the air conditioner keeps passengers comfortable. Sometimes the train is absolutely packed and the air conditioner isn’t working too well. At times like this I am thankful for the Filipino’s impeccable personal hygiene (many Filipinos bathe twice a day).

I stepped on the train this afternoon, and I was relieved to feel the cold air inside. My relief quickly turned to disgust. As we left the station I realized that the entire car smelled like dog poo. I looked down and checked my shoes, wondering if I had accidentally carried something “extra” in the car with me. My fellow passengers were all holding their noses as we suffered and laughed together. I saw other passengers go through my same experience as they boarded–smiling, frowning, and then checking their shoes as they realize they’d entered a stink trap. I giggled intensely to myself–I almost cried from laughing (or maybe it was the smell). My greatest fear was that the smell would get in my clothes and I would nauseate everyone in the radio station. I’ve never been so happy to jump into a jeepney and smell the pollution of Manila.

The Radio Interview

I had a wonderful time with the radio show. LJ (the host) cracked a few jokes before we started–this helped me not be so nervous (remember, I’m a little shy sometimes). We got started and the two hours really flew by. I was so blessed by the listeners’ comments. I also enjoyed the opportunity to minister through answering their questions. I ended the interview by saying a prayer for our listeners, especially the students.

Thanks to everyone who listened. Special thanks to LJ and DZAS for inviting me! I’d love to come back!