Talented Tagalog Teacher

Much of the credit for my language ability belongs to Fe, my incredibly talented teacher. She has blessed many missionaries by helping us learn the Filipino language and culture. This is her ministry and calling, and God has used her mightily.

After six months of self study, Fe and I spent about two months doing “language boot camp” during April/May 2003. Fe kept things interesting and challenging. It seems like she taught me a year’s worth of language in only a few weeks.

Fe has a blog about Filipino culture. Here’s the address:

Feel free to visit and leave your comments.

The “Romantic Vulture” Syndrome

Has this ever happened to you?

You meet someone that really gets your attention. This person is gorgeous, intelligent, witty, sexy, holy, and any other positive attribute you can imagine. There’s just one “little” problem: he/she is in a relationship.

This happens to me all the time and I’m sure it has happened to you. There’s always a chance that you were not the first to notice this wonderful person.

Back during my radio interview, someone asked if it was OK to ask God for someone who is already in a relationship. We joked on the show about asking the Almighty to intervene and cause a break-up. This is what I call being a “romantic vulture.”

My answer to the question was, “yes, theoretically.” Here’s what I mean: unless someone is engaged or married, they are still not in a lifetime covenant. In theory, they are still free to choose someone else. Break-ups can and do happen. Here are just a few things to keep in mind.

*Don’t get your hopes up—after all, this person is not available. Never invest emotional energy into someone who is not available.

*Keep looking for “unattached” people. Don’t sit around waiting for this guy/girl to become available. It may never happen.

*Don’t get involved in “two-timing.” If there is mutual interest, a choice must be made immediately about the current relationship (either stay with the current girlfriend/boyfriend or end the relationship to start something new). Don’t be involved in hiding something from an unsuspecting girlfriend/boyfriend.

*Don’t get involved in a “rebound relationship.” By “rebounding,” I mean getting into a relationship immediately after someone has broken up. This is usually a set-up for failure, especially if someone is leaving a long-term relationship.

*If this person is married, forget about it! God gave us the Ten Commandments for a reason. Getting involved with a married person is a no-win situation for you.

This is one of the many articles that you’ll find in my book: Basta Lovelife: Making Wise Relationship Decisions.