We are quickly approaching the 2007-2008 school year! As you make plans for this upcoming school year, I hope you will invite me to conduct True Love Waits at your campus.

The sooner you contact me the better. Some campuses have already scheduled me for dates in July. Please contact me as soon as possible so we can set up a TLW schedule for this upcoming semester. I was unable to accomodate a few schools last year because they simply waited too late to set up the seminar.

Remember that I can handle a group of any size if the venue is adequate.

Isaiah 14–Can You Stop a Freight Train?

I have a plan for the whole earth,
a hand of judgment upon all the nations.
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken—
who can change his plans?
When his hand is raised,
who can stop him?

-Isaiah 14:26-27

The picture posted here is a tragic example of a train/auto accident. According to the news article, the truck was pushed for almost have a mile before finally falling off the tracks. Both people in the truck were killed instantly. A car or truck of any size is simply no match for a train. Once a train gets going, you had better get out of its way.

God made a similar warning through Isaiah. He made some astounding predictions of judgment to the mightiest nations of the world. I’m sure it was hard to believe that such powerful armies could be defeated. God’s response was something like this: “my will is like a freight train—once I start my plan, nothing will stop it.”

Planning against God is even more foolish than stopping your car on railroad tracks. As foolish as this is, we are sometimes guilty of doing it. Here are some examples of how we put ourselves in danger:

*God warns us of the consequences of sin, but we continue to sin anyway.

*God calls us to respond immediately, but we say “I’ll respond to God some other time when I’m ready.”

*God calls us to do something, but we ignore His call and to things our way.

God graciously invites us to join His plan of redemption for the world. You can choose to join Him or you can ignore Him and make a “train wreck” of your life. His plan will happen with or without you. The choice is yours.