The Apostle and His Son

Part One: The Apostle and His Calling

I’ll be preaching at our worship service this Sunday afternoon. I’m starting a series out of 1st Timothy, and I’ll be preaching on the Apostle Paul and his calling. Feel free to join us at worship if you are able. Here’s the address:

Sunday, June 17th
Sixth Floor, Joshua Center
Taft Ave, across from PGH
2:00 pm

Email Etiquette: Think Before you Forward

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”
– Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

This statement is especially true in the email/internet age. I’ve been using the internet since the mid-90’s. I cannot count the number of email forwards that I have received that were simply NOT TRUE.

My point is this: RESEARCH BEFORE YOU FORWARD EMAILS. One excellent website is SNOPES.COM. It only takes a minute to check something out and see if there is really something to the email.