Movie Review: Expelled

Movie Review: Expelled

Does Darwinian evolution completely answer all questions about the origins of life?

Did Darwin fully understand the amazing complexity of life (even at the cellular level)?

Do new scientific discoveries support or debunk Darwin’s theories?

One would think these are legitimate scientific questions worth pondering. One would also think that America would be the ideal place for such debates to take place.

Tragically, the current academic, scientific, and media institutions in America have systematically stifled this discussion. The powers that be have decided that Darwin had the final say, and scientific theories must not evolve (pun intended). Expelled is Ben Stein’s exposé on the shocking consequences that come to those who dare question any of Darwin’s theories (which are now well over a hundred years old).

Stein interviews professors, scientists, and journalists who lost their careers over two words: intelligent design. These brilliant men and women were not promoting creationism or religion. They were terminated, ridiculed, and blacklisted for simply entertaining alternative explanations to Darwinian evolution. Apparently the “land of the free” no longer tolerates freedom of scientific contemplation.

Go watch it. Be prepared for some thought-provoking and surprising quotes from both sides of the evolution debate.

Movie Review: The Golden Compass (one Christian’s Perspective)

Yes, I went and watched it to see what all the fuss is about. I’m sure most of you know that The Golden Compass was written by Philip Pullman, an atheist. His books reflect his anti-God agenda and his desire to undermine the Christian message. I appreciate the vigilance of those who have pointed this out. Having said this, I get concerned that some are becoming alarmists.


Let me give you a quick synopsis of the movie. This story takes place in a mystical world where people’s souls/spirits live on the outside of their bodies. Their spirits take the form of animals and are called “demons.” A dark empire known as the “Magisterium” controls the world and will stop at nothing to oppress the truth. This includes knowledge of “dust,” a magical element which people are forbidden to even discuss. The magesterium also kidnaps children and attempts to “cure” them of any connection with dust.

Maybe you’ve already guessed it, but the magisterium represents the church and dust is a symbol for sin.

The Movie’s “Message”

The anti-Christian message was apparently toned down for the movie–I’m not even sure I would have picked up on it if I hadn’t heard about it beforehand. Not all of the movie’s messages are negative: bravery, friendship, redemption, and fighting against oppression are some of the story’s noble points. The Golden Compass really comes across as just another fantasy film, and I don’t think it is necessarily harmful to allow children to watch it. I would, however, recommend you talk to them about a few of the terms that Pullman uses:

Authority: While authority can be abused, talk to your children about the need to live under God’s authority. Remind them that God’s authority does indeed protect us.

Demons: Teach your children the scriptural meaning of demons. They are not cute little animals that perch on one’s shoulder.

Heretic: Explain what this word really means so that your children will know they are not heroes.

The primary danger of this movie is that it will generate more interested in Pullman’s books (which the movies are based on). There you will find an anti-God message that hasn’t been “watered down” for the big screen. Another danger is that the next movie will be more blatantly anti-Christian–Pullman has supposedly vowed that sequels will more closely resemble the books. I’m skeptical about this, because I think a blatantly anti-God film just won’t do well in the box office (especially one that is aimed at children).

A Mediocre Movie

In terms of its entertainment value, I’d rate The Golden Compass as average. Many of the movie critics (from agree with me on this. It is a unique story and has some pretty good special effects, but I just didn’t find it especially compelling (this one can definitely wait for video). The movie’s only real bright spot was the polar bear—he was a neat character and a lot of fun to watch in action. I was just waiting for him to open a bottle of Coke and wish us a Merry Christmas.

Other Christians’ Perspectives:

Albert Mohler has written a much more detailed analysis on Pullman’s work. You can read it here.

You can also go to the Christian Post and find several articles about this movie.

Chrisianity Today: Fear Not the Compass