Reflections on Fatherhood


Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
-Psalm 127:3

My life was forever changed one month ago.

The momentous event began on the evening of March 17th, our sixth wedding anniversary. We were settling down for the night and had almost drifted off to sleep. Mare Cris said something was happening and rushed to the bathroom. Her water had broken. I quickly gathered up a few things for our trip to the hospital, energized by an adrenaline rush.

Cris was admitted to the hospital around midnight. She endured over 16 hours of labor before the decision was made to do a C-section. Our big, beautiful boy was born on the evening of March 18th.

Life has been a bit of a blur since then. Clark seems to get heavier and stronger every day. He regularly broadcasts his discomfort or discontent with his tiny but deceptively powerful lungs and vocal cords. I pray these same instruments will one day speak grace and truth to those around him.

Clark is now sleeping on the bed here in my home office. His slumber is somehow peaceful and vigorous at the same time. This relatively quiet moment provides a chance for his mother to sleep and me to write.

I wanted to take a few moments to write at least a short post–to have a “snapshot” of words, thoughts, and memories that I can come back to in the future.

I think what has surprised me most is how naturally this has all come. My wife is the ate (eldest sister) of her family, so taking care of babies was familiar to her. It’s the opposite for me. I didn’t grow up with a baby in the house–I was the baby. I didn’t know how well I would handle being a first-time father. But holding my son and changing diapers is now second nature to me, as if I’ve been doing it all my life.

We’ve anticipated Clark’s arrival for months, and now he’s here. The divine disruption in our normal routine has been an adjustment, but I wouldn’t have it any other way (I know my wife feels the same way).

Babies are often called bundles of joy, and that they are. But I also consider Clark to be a bundle of grace–a gift I will never deserve.

I love you, my son.


2017: The Year in Review

I’m not highly motivated to write a blog post right now.   Maybe it’s writer’s block or a general lack of feeling inspired.

But another year is quickly coming to an end, and I do want to take a few minutes to reflect on God’s faithfulness in our lives.


We began this year by implementing a few adjustments in the ministry programing of our church.  I had only been the pastor for about 3 months, but God gave me a burden and a sense of urgency for our congregation and its future.

God faithfully led us through these first steps of becoming more effective in reaching our community with the gospel.  The overwhelming majority of our members were extremely supportive of the new vision.  Words can hardly express how grateful I am for their willingness to embrace change.

The rest of the year seems like a blur as far as the church goes.   We started a new small group ministry (part of the before-mentioned changes), had some really enjoyable outreach events (Vacation Bible School, Trunk-or-Treat, etc), and journeyed through three sermon series (the third will be completed next year).

See also: My First Year: Confessions of an Ordinary Pastor.


One of our main goals for this year was to acquire Mare Cris’ US citizenship. It has been a long (expensive) process that began back when we were still living in the Philippines–it started with applying for her spousal visa.

We applied for her citizenship while we were still living in Alabama, and moving here in the middle of the application caused a few delays.  Our patience was eventually rewarded when Cris was invited to an oath-taking ceremony a few months ago.  My wife is now an American citizen! 

Expectant Parents

There is one blessing that eclipses all others for 2017: the news that I will soon be a father.   I sensed that we would be having a boy, and this was confirmed back in October with the second ultrasound.

Our boy seems to be making his presence felt a little more every day–we jokingly call him our “little kick boxer.”   My wife will begin her third trimester as 2018 begins.

We are blessed beyond measure!

God continues to faithfully lead us on this amazing journey.

Plans for 2018

*I have enrolled in the Doctor of Ministry program at Gateway Seminary (formerly Golden Gate Seminary) and will begin in January.

*Our son should arrive some time in March!

Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.
—Oswald Chambers

To be continued . . .