Burned Out

I have a confession to make.

I’ve been feeling burned out lately.

This has been a glorious year of ministry: campus work, the new book, expansions in the radio ministry, etc. But it has also been a challenging year—funny how “success” and trials often go together.

Exactly what has caused the burnout? I’m not really sure. But I have a few ideas:

*First and foremost, I’ve had to make some tough ministry decisions this year. I’m at peace with these decisions, but getting there has been a long, exhausting process. Sorry for not going into more detail, but it’s for the best.

*This has been a very busy year—balancing several new ministry opportunities. I think I kind of hit a “wall” last month after February (my busiest month).

*Financial stress. God is faithful, and I’ve never once had to really worry about where my next meal is coming from. But like everyone else, I am affected by the current economic climate.

*It’s hot. Really hot.

I’m praying my visit home will be a time to recharge.

Blessed in Baguio

I had a nice weekend in Baguio.  I went up to celebrate the first birthday (and dedication) of Erwin’s daughter since I’m a ninong.*  I also spoke to the youth group at GCF Baguio Sunday afternoon.

I love this city!  The weather is cool due to the high elevation–you realize you’re in the mountains when you see clouds descending around you (as pictured above).  It’s a generally relaxing city to visit–just doesn’t seem as fast-paced and busy as Manila. 

*Ninong is best translated “godfather” in this context.