2nd Book: Suggestions for Stories

I’d like to make a couple of suggestions for stories on the second book:

Abortion:  I’d really like to hear from a Filipina who has had an abortion.  You could talk about the mistakes that led up to the “procedure,” the pain, the guilt, etc.  You could help others avoid this mistake.  I already have one story from a young woman who used the “abortion pill”–but I’m especially interested in hearing from someone who went through the actual “procedure.”

Pornography:  I’d like to hear from a Filipino (or Filipina) who has struggled with porn use/addiction.  Talk about how you were introduced to it, the progression of the addiction, and how it negatively influenced your life.

If you have a friend that has been through this, maybe you could refer him/her to my website.

A 3-4 page story would be great (just don’t make it much longer than that).  Remember: all contributions are anonymous.  Click here for more information on contributing to my second book.

I think I’m somewhere between 5-10 stories away from having the manuscript ready.  Please send your story soon!

2nd Book Protect–Momentum!

I finally feel like my second book project is gaining some momentum.  I received a couple of incredible stories over the past week or so, both of which will be included in the book.  A couple of guys I know have also agreed to write their stories (great news, since I’m still needing contributions from men).  CLICK HERE if you’ve made some major mistakes and want to warn others about the consequences.  All contributions will be anonymous.