Dirty, Deadly Secrets

I spent about five years doing substance abuse counseling before I moved to the Philippines. Recovering addicts have a saying: “secrets keep you sick.” I’m inclined to agree, and I think this statement can help all of us.

As I’ve mentioned before (in Basta LoveLife), sexual sin brings with it a measure of guilt and shame unlike any other transgression. This in turn causes another problem: we dare not tell anyone about our hidden struggles.

It looks something like this:

Scene 1: A young man is involved in the music ministry of his church. The members recognized his gifts and encouraged him to join the praise team. He loves it—he’s always dreamed of using his talents to glorify God. Soon he will be asked to lead and mentor others.

His private life, however, is a different matter. He is struggling with internet pornography, a sin he just can’t seem to conquer. He’s been caught up in a vicious cycle of sinning, repenting, and falling back into sin. He realizes the hypocrisy, but fear keeps him from asking for help.

Scene 2: A college student has earned the respect of all her friends, relatives, and church family. She is a straight-A student and is also involved in a local campus ministry.

But there’s a problem. She and her boyfriend have begun to compromise, crossing the line from innocent affection to sexually intimate behavior. They haven’t “gone all the way,” but it is only a matter of time before they take this final, irreversible step. She cringes every time her pastor mentions sexual immorality. But she is afraid to ask for help—afraid to let anyone know things are not what they seem.

I believe these scenarios play out in churches and parishes all across the Philippines. Why? Because I get emails that sound just like these two fictitious accounts.

Tragically, the enemy tricks us into keeping secrets from the very people that could help us break free. He whispers the following lies:

“Everyone has his act together except for you.”
“No one else struggles with this—only you. You are alone.”
“Don’t say anything—just keep up appearances.”
“Ask for help? How embarrassing!”

I want to make something clear before I go any further: I consider it a privilege and honor to be a “cyberpastor.” I love helping students with their questions and problems.  My email and blog will continue to be a safe haven for those needing advice.

But an email exchange is only the first step in the healing process. I encourage students and young people to look for face-to-face accountability when it comes to issues of sexual sin. Let’s consider a couple of Bible verses:

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
-James 5:16

He who conceals his sins does not prosper,
  but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
-Proverbs 28:13

Here’s my advice for those of you who are struggling with some type of sexual sin or temptation: find a mature believer whom you trust completely. It should be someone of the same sex (you may need to find someone a little older if you feel you need an extra dose of wisdom). Tell him/her you need someone to be accountable to, and start meeting regularly. Talk about whatever is troubling you–your past failures, current struggles, etc.  Sin will begin to lose its grip through the power of accountability.

“But Kevin,” you argue, “the person I have in mind would lose all respect for me if I shared this.”

Not true! Some of my closest friends are the ones I’ve shared my most intimate struggles with. Our respect for each other grew a hundredfold the moment we put down pretenses and got honest about what was happening in our lives. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the way a true friend responds to such raw honesty.

Don’t let secret sins destroy your life.

More HPV Dangers

One of the first purity articles I ever wrote was about the human papillomavirus (HPV) (See For Women: HPV: Three Deadly Letters).

HPV is in the news again, and it isn’t good.  A form of head and neck cancer called oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has been linked to HPV, and cases of this type of cancer have risen dramatically over the past few years.  In other words, HPV is being transmitted through oral sex, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of cancer cases.

A recent study found the risk of developing oropharyngeal carcinoma was linked to a history of six or more lifetime sexual partners, four or more lifetime oral sex partners, and, for men, an earlier age at first sexual intercourse.

“Sexual transmission of HPV – primarily through orogenital intercourse – might be the reason for the increase in incidence of HPV related oropharyngeal carcinoma,” wrote Mehanna.

The experts pointed to recent studies which showed a 70 per cent increase in the detection of HPV in biopsies taken to diagnose oropharyngeal carcinoma in Stockholm since the 1970s.

HPV-related cancer was also reported in 60 to 80 per cent of recent biopsy samples in studies in the United States, compared with 40 per cent in the previous decade, they wrote.

Excerpt taken from this article: Oral sex link to head cancer

What lessons can we learn from this?

I always warn students about the dangers of any form of sexual intimacy outside of marriage.  I usually talk about the emotional/psychological impact, but now there are even more physical consequences to consider.

As always, we see that God knows best.  Save sexual intimacy for marriage–you will be protecting yourself and your future spouse from a potentially deadly virus.