My Books

God blessed me with the opportunity to write two books while I was living in Manila:

Basta LoveLife, Making Wise Relationship Decisions  was published in 2008.  It covers a variety of relationship topics (sexual purity, etc.) from a biblical perspective.

Learning the Hard Way: True Stories of Heartbreak, Healing, and Hope was published in 2010.  This book contains real-life stories of those who have made bad relationship decisions.

My wife has also contributed to a devotional book entitled Young Women on the Journey: Beauty for Ashes (published in 2013).

All of these books were published by Church Strengthening Ministry (Philippines). They are available at retail book stores and online at Lazada (search for the book titles).

Update (March 2025): I’m finishing up a manuscript for a book on preaching. I’ve been unable to get any publishers interested, so I’ll most likely self-publish through Amazon (self-publishing has come a long way since my early days of writing). I’ll make a blog post about it when it’s available.