Romantic Tunnel Vision

I’d like to talk about a mistake many singles make in searching for love.

Let me first introduce the concept of “tunnel vision.” The idea is you look at something with a constricted or narrow view, as if looking down a tunnel. You only see limited options or possibilities.

Some singles are guilty of “romantic tunnel vision”—fixating on only one person as a potential love interest. I frequently made this mistake in my younger days.

I’m not talking about faithfulness within a relationship. I’m talking about what happens while still in that “searching” stage.

It goes something like this:

*You meet someone you like. He or she is attractive, funny, smart, and all those other good qualities you’ve been hoping to find.

*You spend all your time thinking about this new person and don’t notice any other members of the opposite sex.

*It becomes clear this relationship isn’t going to happen—he/she is not interested or not available.

*Christians add another twist to this: they pray to God and ask Him to intervene—as if the Almighty will force the object of your desire to like you.

*You remain fixated on “Mr./Ms. Not-Going-To-Happen,” refusing to let go. For guys this means you don’t pursue anyone else. For girls it means you ignore other potential suitors.

*The end result is a lot of wasted time—time which you could have used exploring other possibilities.

Sound familiar?

How can we avoid this trap? I’ll give different answers for guys and girls.

I remember a guy asking me if it’s OK to pray about a girl he likes. “Sure,” I answered, “but you better talk to her and see if she’s interested. Otherwise you are wasting your prayers.”

If you like a girl, tell her and court her. Just move on if you get rejected—don’t dwell on it. At least you tried, and at least you know.

Occasionally a girl will ask me how to know if a guy likes her—as if there are some subtle hints she should be reading. Here is my answer: Never make assumptions. We men are not that complicated. If a guy likes you, he’ll tell you and do anything he can to win your heart.

It’s fine to spend time around a guy you like. But it’s time to move on if he doesn’t clearly demonstrate intent to court you. Be open to other suitors.

Final Thought:
There are plenty of singles out there to choose from. It just doesn’t seem like it when you see the world through a tunnel.