
Mydestiny dropped by to uninstall my cable internet, so I won’t be online as much for the next few days (I’m at a coffee shop right now at the mall).   I may invest in a usb broadband device, but I’m not sure–I may just wait until I can get something installed in my new place in Angeles City.  Just be patient with me as I’ll be slower in responding to emails, Facebook posts, etc.

Please pray that my move goes smoothly, and pray I’ll be able to get back my security deposit (long story, but you may see more on that if the management at my apartment building continues to be contrary).  

Ministry 2.0: Angeles City, Pampanga

Hey guys,
I have a very important announcement to make.  I’ll soon be moving to Angeles City, Pampanga to help with Erwin’s new church/ministry.  

I’m sure this news will come as a surprise to some of you.  Manila, after all, has been my home for over nine years.  

But this decision is a result of several events, some of which the Lord set in motion years ago.  Here’s the short version:

I’ve been kind of restless for the past few months, as if God was preparing me for a change.  Pastoring and church planting have been on my mind, but I wasn’t getting a specific direction or assignment.   I just continued to enjoy my work here in Manila while waiting for further instructions.

I went to Angeles City a few weeks ago to hang out with Erwin and his family.  We’ve been friends since 2007 and it’s not unusual for me to visit them.  I wasn’t really thinking about moving there, but that changed before the weekend was over.  The Lord put a burden for this city/ministry on my heart. 

Things have moved really quickly since then, and everything has confirmed the decision to leave Manila and move to another city.  I’ll give you one example:  I found a fantastic apartment last week–exactly what I was looking for in terms of size, location, etc.  I later learned it had just been vacated four days prior to our inquiry. 

There are several college campuses in Angeles City and we hope to minister to these students.  But I’ll also be spending some of my time reaching out to other segments of the population (young professionals, etc). 

I’ll still be doing seminars at Manila colleges/universities as my schedule allows.  My new home will only be a bus ride away from the university belt (this is one of the many factors I considered with this move).

But I will be cutting back on speaking engagements at churches.  It’s been an honor to minister at so many congregations in the Metro Manila area, but I sense God is leading me to focus my preaching/teaching on building up this new church.

Here’s how you can help right now:

*Pray for the speaking engagements I have coming up over the next couple of weeks (I’ve mentioned them in a previous post).

*Pray for the logistics of the move (getting movers, etc). 

Feel free to tell you friends in Angeles City about this new church/ministry.