Joseph: Four Lessons from the Christmas Story

Joseph: Four Lessons from the Christmas Story
(Read Matthew 1:1-25)

Joseph played one of the most important roles in the history of the world—He was the earthly father of Jesus Christ. We can gain valuable insights from Matthew’s account of Joseph and his role in the Christmas story. Here are a few lessons from Joseph’s life:

1. God is faithful to fulfill His promises.
Matthew 1:1-17 explains that Joseph was a descendant of King David. Centuries before, God promised David that his throne “would be established forever” (1 Chronicles 17:14). By the time of Joseph, the glory days of Israel’s kingdom were all but forgotten. The Jews had experienced military defeat, exile, and oppression from a series of foreign entities. Perhaps it looked like God was mistaken when he spoke of an eternal throne. He wasn’t. He used Joseph, David’s descendant, to establish a spiritual kingdom which will have no end. God was faithful to his promise to David, and He’ll be faithful to His promises to you.

2. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Royal blood flowed in Joseph’s veins, but he was nonetheless a simple carpenter. He was probably successful in his trade, but it would seem there was nothing remarkable about him. Jesus’ critics, for example, would later comment that he was a just a “carpenter’s son” (Matthew 13:55). Joseph probably never imagined that God would bestow such an honor on an ordinary man. You may consider yourself ordinary, but you never know what great things God may have in store for you!

3. God notices character, even if no one else does.
The Bible cleary states that Joseph was a “righteous man” (Matthew 1:19). Only this kind of man would be fit for the task of raising Jesus. God knew that he could trust Joseph because he was faithful in “little things.” If you bought furniture from him, you could be confident that he didn’t use cheap materials just to make extra profit. If he accidentally hit is thumb with a hammer, he refrained from yelling certain “colorful” expletives. He worshiped God and followed Him faithfully in these “little” things. God noticed—and He also notices you.

4. God is faithful to direct us if we seek Him with all of our heart.
When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, he decided to divorce her quietly (Matthew 1:19). Joseph apparently had a heart full of mercy, for according to Hebrew law, he could have publicly charged Mary with adultery. His decision was honorable and logical, but it was wrong. He was about to make one of the greatest mistakes of all time! God knew that Joseph was not acting out of deliberate disobedience. To make things perfectly clear, he sent and angel to explain his plan (Matthew 1:20-21). You do not have to worry about “missing” God’s will as long as you are honestly seeking Him with all of your heart. He will do whatever is necessary to make it clear to you.

Making Wise Decisions: Question 5–What is God Saying Through Practical Wisdom?

Proverbs is one of my favorite books of the Bible. It is full of practical, common-sense wisdom:

My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment.
Hang on to them,
for they will refresh your soul.
They are like jewels on a necklace.
They keep you safe on your way,
and your feet will not stumble.

-Proverbs 3:21-23

Sometimes we do not receive any kind of “special” instruction from the Lord about a decision we are making. There is no direct Biblical command. We do not sense that He is leading us in any particular direction. What should you do in those circumstances? Usually this is the answer: you make the most logical, practical decision you can.

One of the main points of Proverbs is this: God expects us to use common sense in our decisions. God never promises to bless foolish decisions. Sometimes we make terrible, impractical decisions and then wonder why we are suffering the consequences (as if God is to blame).

Let me give you an example: Suppose one of you told me that you found a wonderful man and you wanted to get married. The first thing I would do is ask if he is a dedicated follower of Christ (2nd Corinthians 6:14). Many of my questions, however, would be more practical in nature. I would eventually ask you if he had a job. Suppose you responded with, “He works part-time.” I would then ask, “Do you plan to eat part-time?” I think you understand my point.

Here’s another example: Some of you may have a Christmas bonus this month. Is it wise to spend your entire paycheck on a new cell phone? Wouldn’t it make more sense to save part (or all) of that money?

Here are other examples of unwise things I’ve seen people do:

*Not studying: Taking an exam unprepared and asking God to give you the answers. The “answer” you will get from God is “F,” because you didn’t study.
*Poor financial decisions: Buying things you simply cannot afford; always borrowing money.
*Staying in a bad relationship: Staying with a boyfriend/girlfriend even though you see “warning signs” or the two of you do not get along. This is often accompanied by a lot of complaining about your boyfriend/girlfriend, as if someone else chose this person for you.
*Over-committing: Saying “yes” to everything people ask you to do even when you know you don’t have time.
*Unhealthy lifestyle: Poor diet and no exercise, then wondering why you don’t feel/look your best.

Of course there are times when God will tell us to do something “impractical.” Moving to the Manila, for example, was not a very practical thing for me to do. I did it because I felt God was leading me to come here. Obviously we should obey God even if what He’s telling us doesn’t seem to make sense. The rest of the time, however, we need to be as practical as possible.

God gave us a brain. He expects us to use it when making decisions. He expects us to consider the consequences of our decisions and move accordingly.

I hope this “Making Wise Decisions” series has been a blessing to you! Thanks to all who read and/or listened to the sermons. Feel free to leave comments or questions.