The Shepherds: More Thoughts on the Christmas Story

Read Luke 2:8-19

Most of us are quite familiar with nativity scenes, whether in pictures, small figurines or “live” nativity scenes featuring real people and animals. I tend to think of shepherds the way they are portrayed in our modern presentations—clean, well-groomed, and handsome. I have nothing against nativity scenes, but the ancient reality was much different.

We hear much about shepherds in the Bible. Jesus even referred to Himself as the “good shepherd” in John 10:11. The role of the shepherd was well-known, but this does not mean it was highly regarded or prestigious work (especially during Jesus’ time). Just think about what they did—spending days or weeks as outcasts from society. Luke 2:8 clearly states that these men were “living out in fields.”

I find it interesting that God chose to make the first angelic announcement to these outcasts. What if something like this happened here in Manila? What if God bypassed missionaries, pastors, and priests and instead sent His announcement to a group of petty cab drivers? We serve a God who is not impressed by our titles, even religious ones.

The shepherds had little to offer by worldly standards—I see only two characteristics:

First, the shepherds had a simple faith. They trusted the angels’ message completely. Second, they had a simple life. They were not too busy to respond to the angels’ announcement.

A simple faith and a simple life. Perhaps we should also strive for these qualities.

This is my last Christmas devotional for 2006. Thanks so much to all of you who read and emailed encouraging comments. Blessings to you!

Next week I will tell you what you can expect on the blog in ’07.

Movie Review: The Nativity Story

I just got in from watching The Nativity Story. I think this is the perfect movie to watch during this holiday season.

Is it Scripturally accurate? Well, not 100%. The Magi, for example, are portrayed in the traditional manner (see my blog post on the Magi for more information about common Christmas myths). This inaccuracy and others did not ruin the movie for me–the “three wise men” were actually enjoyable characters.

I was struck by the humble (sometimes harsh) circumstances of Mary and Joseph. The movie gave a thought-provoking dramatization of their lives and of the ancient world in which they lived.

Before watching this movie I visited, a website that I commonly visit in order to pre-scan movies. Most of the critics did not like this movie, and I can’t say that I am terribly surprised. Here’s the simple rule for this movie: if the story of Jesus inspires you, this movie will inspire you. Ignore the critics and go see it.

One final consideration: the movie opens with Matthew 2:16-18 (Herod’s order to kill the male children in Bethlehem). While the scene is not graphically violent, it may be a disturbing for young children. It may be a good idea to distract kids or have them wait until this scene is over before entering the theater.