Coming Soon: Here are some of the articles and speaking engagements for 2007.

Later this week:
Pac Man, Precious, Paul, and Perseverance: I’ll talk about two modern-day Filipino heroes, an important New Testament figure, and the quality of perseverance (Vanilla Ice even gets an honorable mention). Let’s get ready for 2007!

7 Questions for 2007:
Evaluate yourself! Make 2007 a breakthrough year! I’ll be preaching this message on January 7th 2:00 p.m. at Convergence (6th floor Joshua Center; Taft Ave across from PGH). For those who can’t come hear the sermon I’ll also be posting a devotional on the blog.

Blog articles in February (or perhaps late January)

Online “Relationships”: Is texting or chatting a legitimate form of a relationship? We’ll discuss it (special thanks to Joy Solina of the True Love Waits movement for giving me the idea for this article).

Puppy Love: Students often ask me what the right age is to get involved in a relationship. I’ll give you some of my thoughts.

Got a question, comment, idea, or something you’d like for me to write about? Just email me!