It’s that time of year again: October 31st is coming and our church will be doing our annual Trunk or Treat event. Last year we had it when my wife and I were brand new to El Paso (we had only been here for a couple of weeks).
I know some have mixed feelings about this holiday, but we believe October 31st is a day that the Lord has made (Psalms 118:24). We see this as a great opportunity to reach out to our community and let them know how much we care.

Last year we had droves of kids and families visit our campus. They found out about our Trunk or Treat celebration different ways: some through our signs, some through word of mouth, etc. We loved having them all, regardless of how they found us.

We are looking forward to another great event, and we’re hoping this year will be even bigger! Hopefully we’ll see kids from all over Northeast El Paso: North Hills, Apollo Heights, Mesquite Hills, Pleasant Hills, Castner Heights, Fort Bliss, etc. We’re a short drive from all of these before-mentioned locations.
We’ll have candy to give out for the trick-or-treating kids and we’ll also have one or two bounce houses. It will be a great time for you and your family to enjoy some safe fun and sweet treats. Be sure to say hello to me (Pastor Kevin) when you stop by and let me know if there’s any way I can pray for you.
We are continuing to do Trunk or Treat every year. To get directions and more information just click here: Trunk or Treat El Paso