I’m sitting here sipping my coffee the morning of New Year’s Eve (2019). Time for reflection is sparse these days, but I’ve spent a few minutes thinking back over God’s faithfulness through another year. Here goes:

2019 began with my third and final on-campus class at Gateway seminary. It was bitter-sweet: bitter because it would be my last opportunity to spend time with my cohort (classmates), but sweet because it would be the last time I would have to be away from my wife and son for the purpose of study (not to mention another step closer to completion of this degree).
I spent a lot of time this summer and fall writing the prospectus for my ministry project–the final phase of this degree.
I consider myself very blessed to have the opportunity to study at this school. It’s been a lot of work, but I can’t imagine a more worthwhile use of my time and energy. God willing, I will complete my Doctor of Ministry in 2020.
Mare Cris had a very unromantic Valentine’s Day–she had surgery on February 14th. It wasn’t a life-threatening issue, and we are thankful that this is all behind us as we start 2020.

Our son Clark is growing up quickly. There’s no way I can remember and list all of his developmental milestones. Suffice to say he has made the transition from baby to rambunctious toddler. It seemed to happen in the blink of an eye.
Speaking of family: we had the opportunity to visit Alabama a couple of times this year (in May and November) and see my extended family. Time with family is precious, and having a son of my own has made me all the more aware of this.
I started preaching through the Gospel of John in July of 2018. That series has continued through all of 2019 (with the exception of just a few Sundays). I thought I was familiar with John’s Gospel, but I’ve learned so much through the process of preaching through the book. It has deepened my awe and appreciation for the Person and work of Jesus Christ. I will complete this series in a few weeks.
Tragedy struck our community on August 3, 2019. I remember being glued to the television most of that day and feeling pretty helpless. I was impressed by the way the people of El Paso united together after this horrific event.
Final Thoughts
What I’ve shared here are just a few thoughts and memories that I can put together this morning.
God has richly blessed me far beyond what I deserve. This was true for 2019, and I’m sure it will be true for 2020.