Exchanging vs Giving Gifts: The Christmas Spirit

Sometimes it seems more difficult to get into the “Christmas spirit” once we reach adulthood.  We remember the childhood years:  looking through toy catalogs, writing letters to Santa, and checking the calendar to see how much longer we’d have to wait.  We long to recapture the magic of being a child at the merriest time of the year.  Those last few days of waiting were torturous.  Do you remember?

It’s much different now.  My dad and I were talking about Christmas gifts a few days ago.  “We really don’t need anything,” I said, “we are so blessed.”  He agreed.  Sometimes it’s challenging for us to figure out what to buy for each other.  We exchange gifts–we really don’t give gifts to each other.   We’d probably do as well if every adult in the family just put 20 bucks in an envelope, got in a circle, passed it to the right, and said “Merry Christmas.”

But it’s different for the kids.  I can’t wait to see my nephews’ reactions to the gifts I bought for them.

Here’s my point: adulthood brings a new privilege–the joy of giving.  I hope you are taking advantage of it.  I’m not only referring to the children of your own family, but to those who are less fortunate–those who are completely powerless to return the favor.  Giving–that’s the true spirit of Christmas.

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
-Acts 20:35

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I am a follower of Jesus, husband, pastor, author, and caffeine addict. Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You may also want to consider subscribing to the RSS feed.

One thought on “Exchanging vs Giving Gifts: The Christmas Spirit”

  1. Love seeing my nephews and nieces get excited over their gifts too. It’s priceless.

    There are many ways to give, not only materially.

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