Note to Learning The Hard Way Contributors

To Those Who Submitted Stories for Learning The Hard Way,

I need to hear from you.  I should be able to get copies to you soon.

Here’s the problem:  a few months ago my gmail account was sidejacked.  The gutless maggot poor misguided youth erased all of my emails, so I don’t have your contact information.  Some of you have been in contact with me since the hack.  But there are few I haven’t had any communication with since they submitted their stories.

Please email me if you contributed a Learning the Hard Way story (this includes the stories already posted here on the blog).  Just re-send a copy of the story you originally sent and I’ll let you know if I used in in the book.  Most of the stories I used here on the blog will be in the book.   I think I told most of you whether or not I would use your story when you first wrote.  Anyway, please get in touch with me.

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I am a follower of Jesus, husband, pastor, author, and caffeine addict. Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You may also want to consider subscribing to the RSS feed.

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