2nd Book: Suggestions for Stories

I’d like to make a couple of suggestions for stories on the second book:

Abortion:  I’d really like to hear from a Filipina who has had an abortion.  You could talk about the mistakes that led up to the “procedure,” the pain, the guilt, etc.  You could help others avoid this mistake.  I already have one story from a young woman who used the “abortion pill”–but I’m especially interested in hearing from someone who went through the actual “procedure.”

Pornography:  I’d like to hear from a Filipino (or Filipina) who has struggled with porn use/addiction.  Talk about how you were introduced to it, the progression of the addiction, and how it negatively influenced your life.

If you have a friend that has been through this, maybe you could refer him/her to my website.

A 3-4 page story would be great (just don’t make it much longer than that).  Remember: all contributions are anonymous.  Click here for more information on contributing to my second book.

I think I’m somewhere between 5-10 stories away from having the manuscript ready.  Please send your story soon!

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I am a follower of Jesus, husband, pastor, author, and caffeine addict. Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You may also want to consider subscribing to the RSS feed.