Basta LoveLife@700 Club Asia

I have an exciting announcment:  I’ll be on the 700 Club Asia in June!

They’ll be doing some episodes about love and relationship issues, based on some of the topics in my book. 

Please pray for the 700 Club staff as they prepare the episodes.  I think they’ll be adding interviews, skits, etc.  I’m really excited about this–I pray many will be challenged to make godly relationship choices. 

The episodes will air Tuesday nights in June (it will be a series, not just one show).

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I am a follower of Jesus, husband, pastor, author, and caffeine addict. Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You may also want to consider subscribing to the RSS feed.

11 thoughts on “Basta LoveLife@700 Club Asia”

  1. that’s great news kuya! happy for you. 😀

    btw, advance Happy Birthday! more blessings to come and more books to write!

    Lj 🙂

  2. Before, you posted about one episode in the 700 Club. Now, they will feature you-

    May God use you mightily kuya,
    May He who calls keep you true through.

  3. You are slowly gaining popularity (?) amongst us here. So more and more are watching you I guess.
    I will be one of those who will pray that what you preach will always match your own personal walk.

    I guess, it helps that you are White, a lot of us look up to the West… Not to sound high and mighty but the levels of morality in America are rapidly declining.

    Filipino youths need to see more and more of authentic Christian men from the west whose morality remains within the bounds of Scripture.
    We are a people who emulate much of the West, sadly the good and bad.

    Thank you for being a model. I pray you remain one.

  4. Anonymous #1
    I agree with you–the morality in America is in a sad state.

    Anonymous #2
    Sorry, no barongs. The staff basically helped me decide what to wear (based on color, etc). My fashion sense is almost as bad as my singing.

  5. Hope you got yo Sunday’s best on 🙂 I don’t wanna be the one bailing you out from the fashion police hehehe.

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