Sex and Death: the Appalling Irony

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live . . .
-Deuteronomy 30:19

I used to be a substance abuse counselor.  We frequently had training on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention.

I remember a discussion we had about the means of HIV transmission.  One of the lecturers said something that struck me to the core.  HIV, she said, was transmitted through fluids we associate with life (blood and sexual fluids).  “Whoa!” I thought to myself.  Intentionally or not, she had said something remarkably profound—so profound that I remember it years later.

I had never thought about it this way—maybe you haven’t either.  We’ve taken that which should create life and used it to cause death! 

Consider these HIV/AIDS statistics:

*Every 24 hours, 8,000 people die of AIDS.
*There are now over 30 million people infected with HIV.
*More than 25 million people have died from AIDS since the disease’s discovery.
*Africa has over 11 million “AIDS orphans”—children whose parents died due to the disease.

This tragic reality doesn’t stop with HIV.  Just consider the silent holocaust of abortion—the millions of children who are murdered before they are allowed to take their first breath:

*Approximately 42 million abortions happen every year worldwide—115,000 per day.
*Over 400,000 abortions per year happen in the Philippines.
*In the United States, approximately 43% of all women will have at least one abortion before age 45.
*Repeat abortions by teenage girls have gone up almost 70% since 1991.

Like the Apostle Paul said, we “invent ways of doing evil” (Romans 1:30).

All of this because we won’t obey God.  All of this because we’ve decided we’re smarter than He is when it comes to the gift of sex.

Beloved readers, this is why sexual purity is so important.  It isn’t just a matter of guilt, shame or emotional baggage—it’s a matter of life and death!  When we lose respect for the process that creates life, we inevitably lose respect for life itself.

Choose purity.  Choose Life.

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I am a follower of Jesus, husband, pastor, author, and caffeine addict. Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You may also want to consider subscribing to the RSS feed.

9 thoughts on “Sex and Death: the Appalling Irony”

  1. And we shouldn’t make laws or remove them to accommodate wrongful acts such as abortion.

  2. There’s already a cure for AIDS. Don’t have sex until you’re married. Then, only have sex with your spouse.

    Otherwise, you’re rolling the dice.

  3. This is so true. And honestly, every desperately bad sin (in human terms) is usually a good thing of God’s which we pervert with our sinful nature.

    Think about it…

    Food = good, nourishing, life-giving, life-sustaining
    Perversion: obesity

    Sex= good, relationship building, life-creating, joy-giving
    Perversion: all kinds—-adultery, homosexuality, promiscuity, etc.

    Alcohol = Fun, healthy, relaxing, celebrating
    Perversion: alcoholism, drunkenness

    Love = Joy-bringing, encouraging, comfort-giving, etc. etc.
    Perversion: controlling, manipulating, idolatry of another person.

    Love your blog, KK

  4. Sex and virginity is a precious and the greatest Gift that a girl could give to their husband.

    and gift can be 2nd hand either. but when it comes to your special someone, would you gave them an old belongings? I know you will spent a lot of time to be able to give them a very special gift. so make sure to not give your virginity to anyone but him.

    and to those receiver… don’t open a gift that is not yours. respect the sender.

  5. I totally agree with you kuya kevin…..I am HIV positive but God has used this unfortunate circumstance in my life to seek Him and now I have found Him….I am happy now that I live for Him. My advocacy now is to choose purity and choose life…..

    please visit my blog

  6. Maybe one of these days we’ll meet in person. I’m very sorry to hear of what has happened to you, but I’m glad you are seeking to glorify God.

  7. Thanks Kuya….but as a Christian living with HIV and struggling with same sex attraction I am really praying to God to give me a constant straight single Christian male friend/companion whom I can be myself and teach me to be the real man God has created me to be…’s not easy to leave the gay life style but I am willing to give up everything for HIm at all cost just to live according to His will and purpose. God bless kuya Kevin and more power!

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