Study: Teen pregnancies tied to tastes for sexy TV shows

Groundbreaking research suggests that pregnancy rates are much higher among teens who watch a lot of TV with sexual dialogue and behavior compared with those who have tamer viewing tastes.

Read the whole article HERE.

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5 thoughts on “Study: Teen pregnancies tied to tastes for sexy TV shows”

  1. Well, duh. This is one of those scientific conclusions that makes me shake my head. It’s good to have it statistically verified, I suppose.

  2. I heard about this article on TCT, Total Christian Network this morning… and that is why I tossed that paperback into the bin. Not a TV show, mind you, but just the same, teeming with sexual dialogues hidden in a popular love story theme..

  3. Yup, never mind if it was expensive, even a gift at that-

    my soul is priceless

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