Kuya Kevin’s Blog 2.0


Kuya Kevins’ blog is finally making the switch from blogger to a self-hosted WordPress blog. I’ve had my fitness blog is on Hostgator for several months and I’ve been very happy with this arrangement.

I’ve really enjoyed using blogger all these years, but there are a few reasons I’m making this switch:

*I’ve had a much easier time copying/pasting from Microsoft Word in to the WordPress.  It can be done in blogger, but I usually have formatting issues that take time to manually correct.

*I really enjoy the widgets/plugins that are available with WordPress.  Example: the follow me widget here in the upper-right hand corner was very easy to add/install.  Same goes for these nifty share buttons over and above this post.

*Changing/customizing the themes is much easier in WordPress.   Using custom themes in blogger was always hit-or-miss and involved doing some html coding.

Those are just a few factors that come to mind.

I’ve decided to use KevinSanders.org as the new domain.  I bought it a few years ago and I think now is a good time to make use of it.

Fortunately I still own KuyaKevin.com and I can point it to this new blog/domain (just as I pointed it to the blogspot page before).  I’ll be importing all the content from the old blog into this new one soon.

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I am a follower of Jesus, husband, pastor, author, and caffeine addict. Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You may also want to consider subscribing to the RSS feed.