Basta LoveLife–Second Printing!

My Valentine’s Day gift came early last week. I ordered another hundred copies of BLL (for my own personal selling, giveaways, etc). Upon delivery I learned I had just bought the last 100 copies from the CSM warehouse. I could not believe it–I asked my friend about three times if I had heard him correctly.

It was an emotional moment for me. I even got a little misty-eyed (like a teenage girl who just finished watching Twilight).

I want to thank my blog readers for your encouragement. This whole thing started with a post. Your support gave me that extra incentive to pursue this dream.

So we’re on the second printing. I still can’t believe we ever did the first printing. God can use us in ways we would have never imagined!

PS–I’m not sure exactly how long it will take for the next prints to come out and hit the bookstore shelves. If you want a copy right away, better grab the next one you see.  If you’re in Manila and would like to buy the book from me directly, just email me and we’ll work out the details–I only have about 90 copies left in my personal supply.  Once these are sold, I’ll also have to wait for the re-print.

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I am a follower of Jesus, husband, pastor, author, and caffeine addict. Please follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You may also want to consider subscribing to the RSS feed.

One thought on “Basta LoveLife–Second Printing!”

  1. Hi kuya Kevin! Wow! Glad to hear about this!! I am really happy that I get to know you through my friend. And i’m really loving this book! (hehe, haven’t returned it pa pala Ü)

    Anyway,I apologize also for not putting the link back to ur page on my previous entries, but i already did now.

    Keep up the great work! Keep inspiring us! tc

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